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Texas Mom Claims She Was Kicked Off United Flight for Accidentally Misgendering Flight Attendant
Texas mom, Jenna Longoria/ Instagram

Texas Mom Claims She Was Kicked Off United Flight for Accidentally Misgendering Flight Attendant

A Texas mother, Jenna Longoria, has claimed that she was denied boarding on a United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Austin after she accidentally misgendered a flight attendant. Longoria, who was traveling with her 16-month-old son and her mother, said she was preoccupied with her son's needs

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

A Texas mother, Jenna Longoria, has claimed that she was denied boarding on a United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Austin after she accidentally misgendered a flight attendant. Longoria, who was traveling with her 16-month-old son and her mother, said she was preoccupied with her son's needs and mistakenly used the wrong pronouns when addressing the flight attendant.

According to Longoria, the flight attendant took offense to her mistake and prevented her mother from boarding the flight. The situation escalated, and the family was ultimately denied entry to the plane. Longoria expressed her frustration, stating that she was not familiar with the proper use of pronouns and that the incident was a misunderstanding.


United Airlines released a statement saying that the family was denied boarding due to a discussion about having too many carry-on items. However, Longoria vehemently denied this claim, stating that the airline's explanation was a lie.

The incident has sparked a debate on social media about the importance of respecting people's gender identities and pronouns. Some users have criticized the airline for allegedly discriminating against the family, while others have defended the flight attendant's right to be addressed with the correct pronouns.

Longoria and her family were left stranded at the airport without their essential medication, which was on the plane. United Airlines has since contacted Longoria, but the situation remains unresolved.

The incident highlights the ongoing discussion about gender identity and the use of pronouns in public spaces. It remains to be seen how airlines and other companies will handle similar situations in the future.

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

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