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50 Cent's Capitol Hill Visit Sparks Controversy: Rapper Claims Black Men “Identifying with Trump”
Rapper 50 cent on Capitol Hill

50 Cent's Capitol Hill Visit Sparks Controversy: Rapper Claims Black Men “Identifying with Trump”

In a surprising turn of events, rapper 50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, made a visit to Capitol Hill on June 5, 2024, where he met with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. The purpose of his visit was to advocate for Black entrepreneurs and more Black representation in

Cody Bradson profile image
by Cody Bradson

In a surprising turn of events, rapper 50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, made a visit to Capitol Hill on June 5, 2024, where he met with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. The purpose of his visit was to advocate for Black entrepreneurs and more Black representation in the liquor industry. However, it was his comments about the upcoming presidential election that caught the attention of the media and the public.

During his visit, 50 Cent was asked by a CBS reporter about his thoughts on the significance of African American men in the 2024 election. His response was unexpected and controversial. "I see them identifying with Trump," he stated, referring to Black men.

When asked why he believes that, 50 Cent said, "Because they got RICO charges." This statement was in reference to the racketeering charges that former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants are facing in Georgia. The rapper's comments suggest that he believes Black men will identify with Trump due to the legal challenges he is currently facing.


The rapper's comments have sparked a heated debate online, with many expressing surprise and skepticism about his claim. Some have criticized 50 Cent for what they see as a betrayal of his community, while others have defended his right to express his opinion.

This is not the first time 50 Cent has stirred controversy with his political views. In 2020, he publicly endorsed Trump, citing concerns over Joe Biden's tax plan. He later claimed that he turned down a $1 million offer from the Trump administration to attend Trump's inauguration.

50 Cent's visit to Capitol Hill and his controversial comments about the 2024 election highlight the complex and often unpredictable nature of celebrity politics. As the election approaches, it remains to be seen how his views will impact his fanbase and the broader political landscape.

Cody Bradson profile image
by Cody Bradson

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