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Nancy Pelosi Admits Responsibility for Absence of National Guard on January 6 in Newly Released Viral Video
Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi Admits Responsibility for Absence of National Guard on January 6 in Newly Released Viral Video

In a recently surfaced viral video, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated, "I take responsibility" for the absence of the National Guard during the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. This declaration has reignited discussions around the security failures of that day and Pelosi&

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

In a recently surfaced viral video, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated, "I take responsibility" for the absence of the National Guard during the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. This declaration has reignited discussions around the security failures of that day and Pelosi's role in the controversial decision.

The video shows Pelosi candidly acknowledging her responsibility, a statement that many conservatives have long argued needed to be addressed. For months, there has been significant scrutiny over why appropriate measures were not taken to safeguard the Capitol, despite intelligence suggesting potential unrest.

Pelosi's admission comes as a stark contrast to earlier narratives where blame was often cast elsewhere, including towards former President Donald Trump and various law enforcement agencies. Her statement raises critical questions about the preparedness and decision-making process of the Democratic leadership at that time.


Critics of Pelosi have seized upon this moment to underscore what they see as a failure of leadership. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), a vocal critic of Pelosi, commented, "This confession exposes what we've been saying all along—there was a serious lapse in judgment from the highest levels of Congress."

Furthermore, conservative commentators have pointed out that Pelosi's control over the Capitol Police and her influence in security decisions should have prompted more decisive actions to prevent the breach. Tucker Carlson once stated, "Pelosi's admission is a clear indication that the failure to deploy the National Guard was under her watch, contradicting her previous attempts to deflect responsibility."

Supporters of Pelosi argue that the situation on January 6 was unprecedented and that decisions made were based on the information available at the time. They emphasize that the violent actions of rioters were the primary cause of the chaos, not just the absence of additional troops.

However, this revelation could potentially shift the focus of ongoing investigations and the public narrative. The admission by Pelosi might also lead to increased calls for accountability and transparency regarding the decisions made in the lead-up to January 6.

For conservatives, this viral video serves as vindication of their persistent concerns about Pelosi's role and decision-making during one of the most tumultuous days in recent American history.

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

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