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Harvard Study Suggests Aliens May Be Living Among Us, Disguised as Humans
Photo by Albert Antony / Unsplash

Harvard Study Suggests Aliens May Be Living Among Us, Disguised as Humans

In a groundbreaking study published by Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program, researchers have put forth a bold hypothesis: aliens may already be living among us, disguised as humans. The study, titled "The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: A Radical Explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena," explores the possibility that extraterrestrial

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by Jenna Larson

In a groundbreaking study published by Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program, researchers have put forth a bold hypothesis: aliens may already be living among us, disguised as humans. The study, titled "The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: A Radical Explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena," explores the possibility that extraterrestrial beings have integrated themselves into human society, possibly residing in hidden underground bases or even walking among us in plain sight.

The research paper, authored by Tim Lomas and Brendan Case, both affiliated with Harvard University, and Michael Paul Masters from Montana Tech of the University of Montana, delves into the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis. This theory suggests that non-human intelligent beings, or NHI, may be present on Earth, concealed in stealth, and interacting with humans in various ways.

"We entertain the idea of cryptoterrestrials not because we necessarily believe it to be true, but because it represents an unconventional explanation that should be considered in the spirit of openness and scientific inquiry," the authors write in the paper.

The study outlines four main categories of cryptoterrestrials:

  1. Human cryptoterrestrials: An advanced ancient human civilization that has managed to survive and conceal itself from modern society.
  2. Hominid cryptoterrestrials: A technologically advanced non-human civilization consisting of intelligent hominids, such as Neanderthals or other human-like species.
  3. Theropod cryptoterrestrials: A non-human civilization consisting of intelligent dinosaurs or their descendants, living in stealth.
  4. Extratempestrial cryptoterrestrials: Beings from another dimension or time, possibly from the future, who have chosen to live among humans.

The authors acknowledge that these ideas may seem far-fetched and will likely be met with skepticism by the scientific community. However, they argue that the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis should be considered as a possible explanation for the increasing number of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) sightings reported worldwide.

"The principal weakness of CTH 4, by contrast, is its utter strangeness, particularly for readers schooled to limit themselves to modes of explanation within the bounds of, say, the standard model of physics," the paper states.

The study has already sparked debate and discussion among the scientific community and the general public. While some find the idea intriguing and worthy of further investigation, others remain skeptical and dismiss it as a wild conspiracy theory.

"We believe this hypothesis to be in all likelihood false, but nevertheless believe it still merits scientific investigation," the authors emphasize.

As the debate continues, one thing is clear: the idea of aliens living among us, disguised as humans, has captured the imagination of many and will likely continue to be a topic of fascination and speculation for years to come.

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by Jenna Larson

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